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Dr. Marie-José Garot

Director, IE-Jean Monnet Chair, Professor of European Union Law, IE Law School

Marie-José Garot is an expert in European Law. She has taught and carried out intense research projects at prestigious universities like the European University Institute of Florence, the European Centre for Public Law (Athens), the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Carlos III University in Madrid, or the Toulouse-le-Mirail University. She has published books, articles and papers on European integration. Apart from teaching European law, she is the Director of the Center of Excellence for European Studies of IE University which aims at  promoting European idealism inside and outside IE.

In addition to that, and thanks to her international background, Marie-José Garot has developed an expertise in Chinese Law, from a Rule of Law perspective. She is a kind of pioneer in this field, being one of the first to teach Chinese Law in Spain. She is interested in studying the evolution of Law in China, especially in the last decade since China has joined the WTO. She has already published papers on this topic. She is member of the European China Law Studies Association.

Isabel Garcés Correa


Isabel Garcés Correa holds a Licenciado en Derecho degree from Universidad Complutense de Madrid, an LL.M. from Instituto de Empresa Business School. She also received a Diploma in Tax Law from Universidad Complutense de Madrid, a Diploma in advanced Studies in Real State Law from Universidad del Pais Vasco and a Diploma in Business Administration from Centro de Estudios Financieros. She has worked as legal adviser to Dow Chemical Iberica S.A. At the present, she is Coordinator of the Center for European Studies of IE University.