The Center of European Studies has organized with the Academy of Artillery of Segovia a course of “European Integration“. The four sessions of the course will deal with advanced issues of Law, Economy and International Relations of the current European Union:
- ” The Europe of 27 members states: political dilemmas and distribution of power ” November 11, 2011
Professor Jose M. de Areilza - ” The Foreign Affairs of the European Union: the new European External Action”. Novembrer 25, 2011
Professor Leopoldo Calvo-Sotelo - ” European Citizenship, Free Movement of persons and Fundamental Rights “January 13, 2012
Professor Marie-Jose Garot - ” The situation of the European economy and the pending reforms ” January 20, 2012
Professor Pablo Díaz de Rábago
This course is aimed at the “Caballeros Alfereces Cadetes” of 4th Training Course of the Artillery to join the Official Range of the Army.