A few days after the proposal of the European Commission on a new patent system at European level, the Center for European Studies-IE organized on July, 5 a seminar on “The road towards a European Union Patent”, with different speakers: Prof. Bruno Van Pottelsberghe from the Université Libre de Bruxelles and Senior Fellow of Bruegel (a Brussels-based think-tank, leader in economic policy-making in Europe), Manuel Lobato, Prof. of Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and Partner of Bird & Bird, Dulce Miranda, Partner at Garrigues and one official from the European Commission. Experts and professionals participated in the debate, chaired by José M. de Areilza, Dean of IE Law School and holder of the Jean Monnet-IE Chair. The discussion focused on the necessary reform of the current European Patent system, aimed at fostering European innovation and competitiveness.