On September 25th, the online conference “Energy in the 21st Century and the global role of the European Union and Spain in the transition to green energy” was held with the sponsorship of the program “Hablamos de Europa” of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs “.
The conference was directed by Prof. Michail Risvas – IE Law School, who was accompanied by the Vice Dean of IE Law School’s Master programs, Marie- José Garot.
Thus, the objective of the conference was to provide a forum for debate between academics, professionals (judges and lawyers), policy experts, students and citizens on the global role of the European Union (EU) and Spain in the context of international energy-related disputes.
The transition to a “green economy” in the context of climate change mitigation, as well as the fact that to some extent the EU and Spain depend on third countries (such as Russia) for their energy needs, raises complex and difficult issues of law (including EU and international law), technology, geopolitics, diplomacy, trade and economics.
For more Information: https://research.ie.edu/highlights/detail/La-energ-a-en-el-siglo-XXI-y-el-papel-global-de-la-Uni-n-Europea-y-Espa-a-en-la-transici-n-a-la-energ-a-verde-