Working papers

Can’t leave you now! Intimate partner violence under forced coexistence and economic uncertainty

Esther Arenas-Arroyo, Daniel Fernández-Kranz y Natalia Nollenberger*

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A comparative view of the implementation of EU Antitrust Damages Directive in sixteen Member States

Barry J. Rodger, Miguel Sousa Ferro y Francisco Marcos

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Promotion and Harmonization of Antitrust Damages Claims by Directive EU/2014/104

Francisco Marcos, Barry J. Rodger y Miguel Sousa Ferro

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Trasposition of the Antitrust damages Directive into Spanish Law

Francisco Marcos

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Remedios y Obligaciones impuestos por las Autoridades de Defensa de la Competencia

Francisco Marcos

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Innovation by Dominant Firms in the Market: damied if you don´t…but dammed if you do?

Francisco Marcos

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Las prohibiciones de prácticas anticompetitivas (TFUE y LDC). ¿Es infractor quien facilita la comisión de las conductas prohibidas?

Francisco Marcos

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Restricciones Públicas de la Competencia

Francisco Marcos

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En contra del reconocimiento de“derechos humanos corporativos” en los procedimientos sancionadores en materia de defensa de la competencia

Francisco Marcos y Albert Sánchez Graells

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The Last Word of the Supreme Court on setting fines for Competition Law infringements in Spain

Francisco Marcos

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Entertainment Made in Spain: Competition in the Bullfighting Industry

Francsico Marcos

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La Aplicación Privada del Derecho de Defensa la Competencia por los Jueces y Tribunales Españoles

Francisco Marcos

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Competition Law Private Litigation in the Spanish Courts (1999-2012)

Francisco Marcos

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El “Programa de Clemencia” en el Sistema Español de Defensa de la Competencia: Una visión práctica

Francisco Marcos

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How Foreign Investment and Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) may Contribute to Competition Law Adoption and enforcement in Developing countries

Francisco Marcos

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Diminishing Enforcement: negative effects for deterren of mistaken settlements and misguided Competition Promotion

Francisco Marcos

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La reforma de la Comisión Europea

Jose M. de Areilza

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A vueltas con la “Unidad de Mercado Nacional”

Francisco Marcos

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The EU/US Coop. in the Field of antitrust law enforcement. Some challenges to future cooperation.

Charlotte Elisabteh Leskinen

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Recent Developments on the Free Movement of Persons in the European Union

Charlotte Elisabteh Leskinen

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An Evaluation of the Rights of Defense During Antitrust Inspections

Charlotte Elisabeth Leskinen

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Collective Antitrust Damages Actions in the EU: The Opt-in V. The Opt-out Model

Charlotte Elisabteh Leskinen

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A Dangerous Call To Create Crisis Cartels. Notes to Supreme Court Judgement of 20 January 2010 (CECASA)

Francisco Marcos

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Ley Omnibus: Una revolución en las técnicas de Intervención Administrativa

Blanca Lozano Cutanda

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Why There Might Not Be Many Damage Claims Arising from The Spanish Property Insurance Cartel?

Francisco Marcos

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Historia y fundamentos de la integración europea: Bases para pensar el futuro de la unión

Jose M. de Areilza

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A missing step in the modernisation stairway of EC competition law-any role for block exemption Regulations in the Realm of Regulation 1/2003?

Francisco Marcos y Albert Sanchez Graells

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The part-time pay penalty in a segmented labor market

Daniel Fernández y Nuria Rodriguez Planas

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La ratificación del Tratado de Lisboa en un contexto de crisis política y económica

Marie-José Garot y Jose M. de Areilza

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The competence of the European Union to adopt measures harmonizing the procedural rules governing ec

Charlotte Leskinen

Interpreting European law-judicial adjudication in a context of constitutional pluralism

Miguel Poiares Maduro

Governing Lipitor and Listerine: the domestic roots of international pharmaceutical and cosmetics re

David Bach y Abraham L. Newman

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System Transition Concepts and Framework for Analysing Energy System Research and Governance

Totti Könnölä, Javier Carrillo y Robert van der Have

Los retos de una Unión Europea de 27 estados miembros

Jose M. de Areilza

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Public-Private Partnerships in Spain: Lessons and Opportunities

Gayle Allard y Amanda Trabant

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Capturing Talent: Generation Y and European Labor Markets

Gayle Allard, Cristina Simon y Raquel Martin

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European Citizenship: 15 Years after the Maastricht Treaty

Marie-José Garot

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Competitiveness and the employment relationship in the 21 st Century

Gayle Allard y Cristina Simon

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Euro-productivity and euro-jobs since the 1960s: which institutions mattered?

Gayle Allard y Peter Lindert

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The competitive environment of the european electricity sector in the post-kyoto scenarios

Javier Carrillo, Pablo del Río, Totti Könnölä y Carlos Garcia

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The challenges of classification: emerging VOIP regulation in Europe and the United States

David Bach y Jonathan Sallet

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Even Giants Need A Club: Domestic Institutions, Market Size, And Regulatory Influence

David Bach y Abraham Newman

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The enforcement of spanish antitrust law: a critical assessment of the fines setting policy and(…)

Francisco Marcos

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Measuring The Changing Generosity Of Unemployment Benefits: Beyond Existing Indicators

Gayle Allard

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El derecho de la competencia en los nuevos estados miembros de la Unión Europea

Francisco Marcos

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El impuesto sobre las grandes superficies desde una perspectiva del derecho comunitario

Marie-José Garot

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La Constitución de la Unión Europea: el regreso a la Comunidad Europea

Jose M. de Areilza

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